
Richard Hugo House (2004-2019)

A Tale of a Whale: Reading Moby Dick (course page)

Virginia Woolf’s Aquatic Poetic (course page)

The Art of the Essay (course page)

Borges: Crevices of Unreason (course page)

Game Theory and Literature (course page)

Beckett’s Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable (course page)

Plague Narratives: The Rhetoric of Catastrophe (course page)

Light in August (course page)

Visions of Nowhere: The Utopian Tradition (course page)

Dead Letters: Written Accounts of Mortality (course page)

Movement and Observation: The Ethics of Travel Narrative (course page)

Portraits of Depravity: The Fiction of Vladimir Nabokov (course page)

Self-Reflection: On the Problem of Memory and Memoir (course page)

Three-Course Meal: The Literary Tradition of Engorgement

Theory of Tragedy

Odd Fowl: The Grotesque Personae of Flannery O’Connor (Facebook group)

Virginia Woolf’s Middle Novels: Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse (Facebook group)

Ambiguous by Design: Franz Kafka (Facebook group)

Healing with Words

Columbia University, Program in Narrative Medicine, Part-time Faculty (2000-2002)

Poetry and Crisis: The Ethics of Presence

Poetry: Aesthetic and Clinical Dimensions

Creative Writing Workshop

Literature at Work: The Robert Braham Seminar

Columbia University, Department of English, Teaching Assistant (1999)

Modern Poetry I (Professor: Kenneth Koch)

Columbia University, Columbia College and The School of General Studies, Preceptor (1995-1998)

Introduction to Writing About Literature

Logic & Rhetoric

Composition I